Thursday, December 4, 2008

Words of Today

English Lesson
  • mocking: laugh at
  • follow suit: follow the previous things (innovation).
  • unparalleled: nothing is comparable.
  • tamper: modify without permission.
  • enthusiast: big fun / computer enthusiast
  • craze: popular trend
  • boil down: it all boils down to the same thing.
ESL Podcast 412 - Corporate Spying
  • second thoughts
  • ethically
  • draw the line: I draw the line at having us snoop on our own employees.
  • backs were against the wall
  • deceptive: I don't like being deceptive with our own employees.
  • wiretaps
  • schmooze
  • scour: They'll schmooze at trade shows, scour legal records, and do other things like that.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Words of Today

ESL Podcast 411 - Eating Junk Food
  • hand: pass, give
  • while you're up: while you're up, can you hand me the phone?
  • softy: a person who could not say no.
"Email writing for English Technical Communication"
  • be capable of: This product is capable of serving thousands of terminals, on a single server.
  • be in contact with: The first spring arm is in contact with the printing device.
  • If you plan to install
  • To install 〜, follow ... below: To install the control driver, follow the procedure below:
  • Before installing 〜
  • When installing 〜
  • During the installation process: During the installation process, you will be prompted for the license key.
  • When the installation is completed
  • When successfully installed
  • If the installation failed
  • Each time you 〜: Each time you start a session, you will be prompted for your username and pasword.
  • While While holding down the keyboard's Shift key, use the mouse to click the Next button.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Words of today

From "Email writing for English Technical Communication"
  • We are behind schedule in 〜: We are behind schedule in designing the new module.

After nine days off

I took nine days off till last sunday. It was technically four days off, but I was able to take nine days off including holidays. I did intentionally nothing except reading books. I read six books although I thought I could read more.

I also listed up what I should do next week. I realized that I was not recently studying pure programming skills trough the listing. I am programming everyday, but it is just an outputing of my skills. My vacation was worth enough to recognize the necessity of input.

(21:56 - 22:06 10min)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Words of today

  • obfuscate: intentionally confuse / Politicians often obfuscate the truth by talking a lot
  • defective: incomplete / This is defective merchandise.
  • scam: fraud / 詐欺
  • micro-deposits: small amount deposits in a bank / 小額預金
  • compromise: reveal without the authority / Someone compromised my credit card numbers and pins.
  • revoke: break / decimate / 破棄する
Sentences come from Eijiro.

(22:01 - 22:14 13min)


I've used a passometer known as manpokei (万歩計) in Japanese since last week. My passometer says I walk about 6,500 steps a day in average. The literal meaning of manpokei is "10,000 steps meter". So it puts pressure on me to walk more 3,500 steps a day.

Should I get off the previous station of my station when going home?

(09:16 - 09:26 10min)

Monday, November 17, 2008

Wedding party in geek style

I attended at the Wedding party of my coworker. She is a geek, but I realized her groom was much more geek. Ah no, let's say he was a nerd. He loves trains, idols, comics, games and of course computer.

I have to admit I really enjoyed such a geeky wedding party. It was my first experience that I got their original comic book as a gift (and only one gift) of the party.

Congratz guys :)

(21:32 - 21:38 6min)

Words of Today

ESL Podcast 425 – Serving Drinks and Cocktails
  • hold my own: perform as well as others
  • name it: name it and I’ll make it
  • garnish: 飾り
  • stick to: 専念する
  • straight up: ストレートで
  • lose faith in: don’t lose faith in me.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Words of Today

ESL Podcast 423 – Reading Food Labels
  • sodium: ナトリウム
  • through the roof: very high / The sodium level is through the roof.
  • nutrients: 栄養
  • the best of intentions: She has the best of intentions.
ESL Podcast 424 – Being in Debt
  • nosey: おせっかいな / I don’t mean to be nosey, ...
  • behind on: Are you behind on all of those bills?
  • exorbitant: 法外な / exorbitant interest
  • at one point: ある時期
  • a loan shark: 高利貸し
  • defer: 引き延ばす / defer payment
  • restraint: 節度 / A little restraint now will save you a lot of pain.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Words of Today

ESL Podcast 422 – Shopping for Underwear
  • unmentionables: underwares
  • slip: スリップ
  • pantyhose: ストッキング
  • snickering: half-suppressed laugh
  • waistband: ウエストバンド
  • button fly: not zipper but buttons
  • g-strings: Google (Image) it in your house.
  • insist: demand something forcefully
The host was glib very much today :)

Walk from Nakameguro

I walked from Nakameguro to the office. The office is located in Shibuya, so it was just a 15min walking. Yesterday, I walked from Daikanyama where is in b/w Nakameguro and Shibuya. During walking yesterday, I was listening to a podcast for English learners. I felt that it was a great activity because I was able to get healthy and English skills at a time. Only one problem was, the length of the podcast was 15min while walking from Daikanyama is 10min.

That's the reason I walked from Nakameguro. As I predicted, the duration from Nakameguro to the office was actually 15min. However, today's podcast ran for 20min. Hehe.

(9:20 - 9:28 8min)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Words of Today

ESL Podcast 420 – Workplace Safety
  • fatality: death
  • remotely: slightly
  • to be cited: If we get cited, we may be shut down.
  • With all due respect: 〜, I don't think so.
  • comply: obey / We have to comply with their safety standards.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Bro's visit II

My bro is stay in our house now. Four nights. He came to Tokyo for lessons about laser. He said he will finally get a license allowing to handle laser. If he can pass an exam.

I want to support him, so I'm willing to give a room for him. However, I wanted him to bring a tooth brush, pajamas and socks... I expected he had learned it.

OK, next time. The beginning of Dec.

(22:55 - 23:03 8min)

My bro is staying in our house now. It will be for four nights. He came to Tokyo for lessons about laser usage in manifacturing. He said he will finally get a license allowing him to handle lasers, if he can pass the exam.

I want to support him, so I'm willing to give up my room for him. However, I wanted him to bring a tooth brush, pajamas and socks... I expected he had learned it.

OK, next time. The beginning of Dec.
  • give up: ゆずる

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Early Bird II

I didn't use my PC last night after I came home. It was very nice for my relaxed sleep and I won my alarm clock this morning. So, it'd be nice to write this blog in a morning. I hope I can make it tomorrow.

(22:09 - 22:11 2min)

I didn't use my PC last night after I came home and because of this, I slept like a baby. I bet my alarm clock this morning. So, it'd be nice to write this blog in the morning. I hope I can do it again tomorrow.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Presentation to students

I gave a presentation to students about my company. The theme was engineering but not technical topics. I really enjoyed talking to people. I could be very relaxed at the speech because it was not a kind of reviewing or a presentation in English.

The organizer gave me an USB memory with the logo. Yey! I've copied some mp3s to it soon. :)

(22:59 - 23:06 7min)

I gave a presentation to students about my company. The theme was engineering but not technical topics. I really enjoyed talking to people. I was able to be very relaxed at the speech because it was not a kind of review or a presentation in English.

The organizer gave me an USB memory stick with the company's logo. Yey! I've just copied some mp3s to it. :)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

1 soup and 3 dishes

We are completing the style of dinner. That's a traditional Japanese style 一汁三菜 (ichi ju san sai). It means a combo of 1 soup and 3 dishes (you can change the size of rice ball to L for free). 1 soup is typically a miso soup and 3 dishes consist of 1 main dish and 2 side dishes. Quote from my wife "The main dish for protein and the side dishes for vitamin".

I sometimes take pictures of dinners :)

(23:40 - 23:50 10min)

We have nearly completed a style of dinner known as 一汁一菜 in Japanese. That's a traditional Japanese style cuisine. It means a combo of 1 soup and 3 dishes (you can change the size of rice ball to L for free). 1 soup is typically a miso soup and 3 dishes consist of 1 main dish and 2 side dishes. Quote from my wife "The main dish is for protein and the side dishes are for vitamin".

I sometimes take pictures of dinners :)
  • known as 〜 in Japanese

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

New earbuds

I had used normal earbuds bundled with iPod, but I bought new earbuds today. I had a trouble that it was difficult to listen audio programs with the normal earbuds on a train. When it's noisy, the voice sounds too small. On the other hand, when it's silence the voice sounds too big. I could not find a suitable volume.

My new earbuds are canalphones. It fits to my ears. I could listen audio programs much clearer. It was good deal.

1,980 yen.

(22:47 -22:56 9min)

I had been using the normal earbuds that came with my iPod, but I bought new earbuds today. I had been having trouble as it was difficult to listen to audio programs with the normal earbuds on a train. When it's noisy, the voice sounds too small, and can be difficult to hear. On the other hand, when it's silence the voice sounds too big. I could not find a suitable volume.

My new earbuds are canalphones. They fit to my ears. I was able to listen to audio programs much clearer. It was a good deal.

1,980 yen.
I had used normal earbuds bundled with iPod, but I bought new earbuds today. I had a trouble listening to audio programs with the normal earbuds on a train. When it's noisy, the voice sounds too small. On the other hand, when it's silent the voice sounds too big. I could not find a suitable volume.

My new earbuds are canalphones. It fits to my ears. I could listen audio programs much clearer. It was a good deal.

1,980 yen.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Getting back my hours

Although there're still busy days, I'm getting back my hours. I'm happy that I can go to bed till the midnight :)

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Words from wife.

Exploit (v)/ exploitation (n): 搾取

Friday, October 24, 2008

Busy days

Busy, busy. I'm afraid these busy days continue forever X-|

Bro's visit

My brother stayed 2nights at my house on last Sunday and Monday. He came for a lecture about the security of handling laser. However, he did not bring any pens or notebooks... So, we went to a 100yen shop to buy them. He could not stop buying unnecessary items. He bought a pen light and two laundry bags even though I forcasted that he would never use them.

I'm expecting my forcast will be true.

(0:22 - 0:30 8min)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Words of Today

ESL Podcast 417 – Getting Travel Documents

in time for: 〜に間に合うように We have to go the party in time for the beginning.
vaccinations: 予防接種
領事館 (Embassy 大使館 is a sort of consulate)
my kind people: people like me
deport: 強制退去させる

Working Saturday

Even though it's Saturday today, I was in the office. It's unusual and I'd better take a rest. However, I wanted to finish it asap. That's life. Tough but fun.

(0:34-0:37 3min)

Friday, October 17, 2008

Words of today

ESL Podcast 415 – Being Clean and Dirty
  • pigsty: pig house
  • pitch in: assist
ESL Podcast 416 – Finding a Niche in Business
  • run a risk: take a risk
  • go far: success
  • diversify: become diversity (多様化する)
  • decisive: 決め手となる
  • conventional wisdom (CW): common sense
  • at one's request: ~ の要求で

Thursday, October 16, 2008

2nd anniversary

Yesterday (Oct 15) was 2nd anniversary of our marriage. I took a day off and went to the restaurant where we had the wedding party. Tomoko gave me a lovely letter. I should put it on my desk for several weeks ;)

I didn't think the stuff of the restaurant remembered us, and it seemed right. However, they gave us message plates celebrating our anniversary in French. Surprise!

I'm still suspecting they reminded it during serving dishes.

(0:32 - 0:39 7mins)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Doc It

Today was a DocIt day of our project. That was a day focusing on documentation about our project. I hoped I could finish it within today. However, it seemed I overestimated me. I might need a couple of days more. I will start lonely DocIt days from tomorrow.

If I would not post a blog tomorrow, it does not mean I'm loosing the habit, but I'm satisfied writing English.

(21:50 - 21:55 5min)

Monday, October 6, 2008

Going to bed

This is just a placeholder. I'm so sleepy now. See you next time :)

(21:31 - 21:31 0min)

Review of the previous lesson

The secret museum in Atami
  • frothy: くだらない
  • gondola: ロープウェイ
  • tongue-in-cheek: silly joking
  • peephole: のぞき穴

  • rake: 場代, 手数料
  • a hand: 持ち札
  • EV: expected value
  • zero-sum-game

  • suck up: ゴマをする / suck up to them


On this weekend, I bought various things; shirts, a belt, an umbrella, a pajama, a book about shortest path, a brush and a sponge for bath cleaning.

I had troubles to spell umbrella, pajama, brush and sponge so that I took a longer time than I expected.

(0:00-0:06 6min)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Soused mackerel

My ex-office mate came to Japan from NY (Mr. A.C.). He will stay in Tokyo till this weekend. My wife said he somehow looked like Jude Row. However, I did not know who the guy was :)

By the way, I went out to lunch with him. It was a standing sushi bar. Low price but tasty and menu in English. He found that shimesaba (〆サバ) was translated into "soused mackerel" and said that sounded like a drunk mackerel. He might had said "it should be mackerel with souse".

I also learned the word, Ferris wheel.

(22:53 - 23:04 11min)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Office decoration

My office mate (T.O.) had been out of office for a whole day yesterday. So we decorated his office. We made his working space empty and set carbon boxes as his desks. We put up wallpaper made of news paper, and replaced his books with comic magazines. That looked a modern art of homeless.

(23:21 - 23:26 5min)

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Picture is worth a thousand words

My English teacher Daniel became a dad of his cute daughter. He looked having a calm and happy atmosphere nobody could not have except a new dad.

I saw him for the first time in three weeks. Just three weeks ago, he had been a guy to be a dad but he had looked just a guy of guys (Sorry Daniel ;). He must be a good dad.


(22:19-22:28 9min)

Monday, September 29, 2008

Musical chairs

I've rearranged chairs and desks in the room with my colleague to make a room for one more person. Our room already has five members while its size is not big, so somebody says our room an octopus pot (タコ部屋). Our room is already full loaded, furthermore we are trying to see the limitation of filling people :)

I just remember a gambling; two guys alternately try putting coins into a cup filled with water. It looks the cup is already full filled with water, but there is a small room because of the surface tension.

(22:42 - 22:54 12min)

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sunday programming

I enjoyed programming today, which was not (so) related with my job. I was making an web application which encourages users sharing URLs interested by the users. That's like Digg or Hatena bookmark? Kind of... I don't care about the uniqueness. The purpose was not for making money or getting salary, but for fun and catching up web 2.0 :P

(23:02 - 23:09 7min)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Could not sleep

I was very sleepy and tired yesterday. It seemed that I was too tired to sleep. I went to bed soon after I posted the previous entry, but I was rolling on my futon. I hope I can easily sleep (-m-).

Just FYI. (-m-) is a face mark praying with hands.

(23:49-23:53 4min)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Sleepy day

I was very sleepy today. Commutings of both ways were horrible. Although I usually read a book on the train, I was napping by standing today.

One possibility of my sleepiness is just a short sleeping time. I have got a good habit to wake up 6:30am, but the time to sleep still tends to be extended after midnight. I cannot believe there are short sleepers of somehow 4 hours.

I will sleep in 10 min today.

(22:18-22:26 8min)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Lost and Found

Tomoko and I went climbing the mountain behind our house. We're trying to make it a habit as I mentioned. We changed the route to the mountain from the normal route for fun and exploring neighborhood.

We got lost.

When crawling roads, we found a wild road at the top of a slope. It seemed crossing a mountain (different from the above mountain). That wild road was amazing. I was very surprised that I could find such a nature near my house. I will bring a camera next time.

(22:49 - 23:01 12min)

Monday, September 22, 2008

Paper work again

I had to spend the whole weekend to fill my paper work. The saying again, "Beginning is half the job done". It's true.

(23:51-23:55 4min)

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Walking on the mountatine

There's a small mountain behind my house. I walked on the mountain with Tomoko this morning. She said she had started the walking several days ago as her habit.

We intentionally lifted the knees during the walking. It seemed easy but I actually sweated. I have to admit that I exercise too little. I decided to start lifting my knees more on my commuting. It should be good for my health for the long haul.

Well, it's not true. I'm not sure I actually do that. I just wanted to use "for the long haul".

(1:09 - 1:12 / 23:43 - 23:49 9min)

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Cockroach poker

I play Catan with my coworkers every Friday. This Friday was a special day, because we had guests from another company. One of the guests was a very famous person to me and similar ages of me. He had been a PR of boys toys and a comic magazine had featured him as our hero!

Anyway, we played "Cockroach Pocker" as he introduced that the game reveals the players' evilnesses. The rule was very simple so that I could get into the game soon. The game was very fun. I want to buy the game and play it every Friday.

Ah, I was not evil but a loser.

1:09 - 1:19

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Secret treasure museum in Atami

My most impressive place at Atami was the secret treasure museum (秘宝館). "Secret treasure museum" is a literal translation, but a more suitable translation is the adult museum. So under 18 old kids cannot enter the museum. We expected that it is very silly, and it actually fitted to our expectation.

23:43 - 23:45 + 1:07 - 1:12 (7min)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


From tomorrow's morning, I'm going to:
1. Atami for 2nights (Sep 11-13)
2. Nagoya for 1night (Sep 13-14)
3. Suzuka for 1night (Sep 14-15)
4. My home for 1night (Sep 15-16)
5. Karuizawa for 2nights (Sep 16-18)

Question, how many socks should I bring?

23:29 - 23:33 (4min)

Booked a Restaurant

I booked a restaurant today for our wedding anniversary. The restaurant is the place we had the wedding party two years ago. Tomoko and I will go lunch there on the same date of two years ago. The date is actually over one month later, so I do not need to rush it indeed. However, it is obviously better than forgetting booking it ;-).

23:21 - 23:26 (5min)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Reviewing today's lesson

  • The browser is designed to cope with the next generation of web applications. [deal with, handle with]
  • Firefox started to dent Internet Explorer's lead. [took some value (but not destroy)]
  • That's what we set out to build. [start doing something]
  • I recognise I'm not perfect. [to admit]
  • They have recognised the importance of your contribution. [to acknowledge]
  • As I see it, she's making a big mistake. [to have an opinion]
  • admit [realize something and pablically say you believe it]
  • acknowledge [accept]
  • His government has suffered chronic unpopularity. [feel pain] [severe]
  • A, B and C have added to his woes. [problems]
  • a political vacuum
  • a lapse in policies [loss]
  • He told the hastily convened news conference. [in a hurry] [organized]

22:21 - 22:31 (10min)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Early bird

I woke up at 6:30 am today by not accident. We're trying to shift the working hours earlier. I went to the office at around 8:30 am so that I could use my time for me for one and a half hour. That was so nice for my productivity. Plus, I did not feel guilty to go home at a early time.

I want to make it our habit.

23:11 - 23:16 (5min)

I woke up at 6:30 am today but not by accident. My wife and I are trying to shift the working hours earlier. I went to the office at around 8:30 am so that I could use my time for myself for one and a half hours. That was so good for my productivity. Plus, I did not feel guilty going home at a early time.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Radio Taiso

I recognized doing Radio Taiso is a very good habit after we had tried it in this morning. We'll continue Radio Taiso every morning.

23:49 - 23:50 (1min)

I realized doing Radio Taiso is a very good habit after we had finished it this morning. We'll continue Radio Taiso every morning.


BOOK OFF opened a new shop in front of Shin-Yokohama stations some months ago. I went to the new BOOK OFF with Tomoko as today's destination of our walking. The shop consists of 3 floors. It is a relatively big shop comparing other BOOK OFF shops.

I did not find attractive computer books there, but found some business related books. I saw a poster which said they will have a sale tomorrow. If it was today, I don't need to go again...

23:40 - 23:48 (8min)

BOOK OFF opened a new shop in front of Shin-Yokohama station some months ago. I went to the new BOOK OFF with Tomoko as today's destination for our walking. The shop consists of 3 floors. It is a relatively big shop compared to other BOOK OFF shops.

I did not find any attractive computer books there, but I did happen to find some business related books. I saw a poster which said they will have a sale tomorrow. If it was today, I wouldn't need to go again...

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Mail from Mr. and Mrs. Murooka

I got an email from Mr. and Mrs. Murooka for the first time in several years. They were my neighbors when I was in Illinois. Their mail said they're now in Osaka.

23:20 - 23:22 (2min)

Happy dining

Tomoko's cooking skills are getting better. I love eating her dinner :) Correctly, it may not be a matter of her skills but I think she is enjoying cooking than before. Today's dinner was grilled yellowtail (ぶり), kamaboko with wasabi (いたわさ), and boiled egg pudding (茶碗蒸し).

yum-yum :-)

23:11 - 23:18 (7min)

Tomoko's cooking skills are getting better. I love eating her dinner :) Precisely, it may not be a matter of her skills but rather that she is enjoying cooking more than before. ...


I went to Otemachi with Tomoko to see our advisor of personal money management. Today was the last day of three. We learnt a lot of things about money planing. I was actually interested in some plans like personal pension. Anyway, I'd better study more before making contracts.

0:20 - 0:24 (4min)

I went to Otemachi with Tomoko to see our personal money management advisor. Today was the last day of three. We learnt a lot of things about money planing. I was actually interested in some plans like personal pension. Anyway, I'd better study more before making any contracts.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

How to Interupt

  • May I interrupt?
  • When you say rational what do you mean?
  • Just a moment, / Hold on, / One moment,
  • Can I say something here?
  • Let me finish? / Let me finish what I was saying?
23:24 - 23:27 (3min)


I've fixed the previous three blog posts on my English teacher's comments. Thank you Daniel :)

I just retyped all sentences for reviewing, it might be better than copy and paste. I'm wondering if bolding to corrected words is worth to spend a time or not. I'm leaning toward not to do it.

23:20 - 23:23 (3min)

Monday, September 1, 2008

Paper work

I have a paper work now. I don't want to do it, but I have to do it. The due date is this Friday. I know a Greek(?) saying which means like "When I began, that's the time I've finished the half of all".

I'm just in the middle way. I'm not sure when I could finish it up... X-|

22:57 - 23:03 (6min)

I have paper work now. I don't want to do it, but I have to. The due date is this Friday. I know a Greek(?) saying which means like "Beginning is half the job done".

I'm just in the middle now. I'm not sure when I will finish it up... X-|

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Half price campaign of TSUTAYA

TSUTAYA in my town started a half price campaign from yesterday for two weeks. Tomoko and I rented 3 DVDs: vol1 and 2 of Trick3 and vol1 of Toshiie-to-Matsu. We might finish watching all volumes of Trick3 during the campaign. We will decide if we continue watching Toshiie-to-Matsu after watching val1.

24:02 - 24:06 (4min)

Half price campaign at TSUTAYA

TSUTAYA in my town strted a half price campaign from yesterday for two weeks. Tomoko and I rented 3 DVDs: vol1 and 2 of Trick3 and vol1 of Toshiie-to-Matsu. We might finish watching all volumes of Trick3 during the campaign. We will decide if we'll continue watching Toshiie-to-Matsu after watching vol1.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

My Dad Visit

My dad came to my house from Nagoya. It was in the way to see his grand daughter of my sister. My mom sometimes had visited my sister's house alone, but he had not. It was a first time for my dad to ride Shinkansen :)

23:55 - 24:00 (5min)

My Dad's Visit

My dad came to my house from Nagoya. He came for the reason that it was in the way to see his grand daughter of m sister. My mom sometimes has visited my sister's house alone, but he has not. It was the first time for my dad to ride on the Shinkansen alone :)

Black out of a station.

Due to the thunder storm tonight, Musashikosugi station was black out. The train agency said they were recovering it but it would have taken a long time, when I had been in a train car and waited for the departure. So I had to take other train lines to go around the out-of-service line. The trip was Shibuya -> Azamino -> Shinyokohama -> Kikuna -> Okurayama.

The usual duration is about 30min, but I took over 2 hours to go home. Tired.

25:37 - 25:46 (9min)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Hair cut

I had my hair cut. The last time was probably two months ago, although I'm not sure. While I had my hair washed, I could not find a good topics of conversation. I usually don't like such a silence but I could be relaxed at that time anyway.

23:04 - 23:08 (4 min)

Hip ache

I'm recently feeling hip ache, correctly the joint of my left leg. That ache was specially terrible today. I felt bright pain when I was walking literally step by step. That pain is just like a sprained neck. It distracts me. I'd better see a doctor, hmmmm.

22:57 - 23:03 (6min)


I went to Otemachi with Tomoko to see our advisor for personal money management. It was a second of three. We received a result of our money flow till age 90. As a result, we would start having debit from age 80 X-|.

I'm not sure it's true. Anyway it was a good opportunity to think of money plan with Tomoko. I might try private pension (個人年金).

0:30 - 0:38 (8min)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First review of my blog posts

Tuesday is the day of my English lesson, and today is the first time to show my blog posts to my English teacher. He was willing to review them and corrected some errors. I will update my previous posts with the corrections, but I am still thinking how to update.

I also studied story telling using past perfect and past progress. Something like this:
  • I had just taken a seat, when suddenly there was a flash of light.
  • I was eating lunch, when suddenly there was a flash of light.

Someday I will use them more naturally without a flash of light.

21:27 - 21:38 (11 min)

Monday, August 25, 2008

Monthly automatic wire-transfer

I have to wire-transfer to pay our house renting fee every month. That's a troublesome task and I had sometimes forgot it and the owner asked us to pay it. That were very embarrassing.

To pay the fee, I always use online banking of Shinsei-bank because it's free! However, I cannot stand for the awful UI. Every time I use the UI, I continue hating the bank. It requires three passwords and confirms twice before login. Besides, it forgets all the preference about the logging in. That's a paranoia and a good-bad-example of UI.

I might open an SBI bank account.

23:40 - 23:50 (10min).

Getting started

I decided to write a blog in English just for my English trainning. I try writing it everyday, but spending up to 10 min per day. I think this is a good way to keep a dialy.

My wife and English teacher are promised readers :)